Saturday, September 27, 2008


Greetings from Paris. I'm getting the blog started! Today is the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul, so it is a good day to start the blog. I hope to post something once each week about events or things I've noticed in Paris that are interesting or different from what we would use/do in the United States. I hope you enjoy my posts. To the left, is a photo of a banner of St. Vincent that hangs in the passageway to the Mother House chapel. Right now I need to get to lunch and then go explore Paris a little with another American sister who is here for a Vincentian Study session. More info later!
Sr. B.


Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you, as always! I'll be curious to hear your experience of Paris' view of Americans and our election right now. I can only imagine....

Donna Schaab said...

We miss you verrrrrry much!!!!!

M Pearson said...

I am glad you got your blog up an running, it will be interesting to read your take on France. Yes, we miss you very much !!

Gloria O said...

So nice to hear from you. We all miss you very much and wish you the best. Looking forward to reading about your experiences. What a great opportunity for you and also for the new people in your life!

P Martini said...

Thanks for including me in your blogger circle. It will be interesting to hear about your adventures. Even though I envy you for being in Paris, I miss you terribly! Going to the office just isn't the same. You take care of yourself. Talk to you soon.

Unknown said...

This is really cool!! Looking forward to the weekly updates from you.

The Wecke's