Sunday, October 5, 2008

Late September Adventure

Dear All,
In late September there was a "Day of Patrimony" during which government buildings that are usually off limits to the public were open for viewing, free of charge. An Irish sister and I took the opportunity to visit the Palais de L'Elysee, which is the home of the President of France, the equvialent of the White House. Below are some photos of some of the things we saw.
The first photo is of a ceiling in a more modern dining room. It consists of crystal tubes coming down out of the ceiling. Essentially, the entire ceiling is being utilized as a chandelier. COOL!
The second photo is of the main dining room that is used for big events. The chandeliers were enormous! They looked to me to be about the size of one of those "Smart" cars that many people drive here and are making headway in the U.S. The room was about half a football field long, and the table extended the entire way. The black plates had gold edging. Stunning.
The third photo would make the Energy Club proud! It is of an energy efficient light bulb used in a light fixture used in one of the courtyards of the palace.
This was quite an adventure. We stood in line for about 2 hours. There were many other people who stood in line for 5 or 6 hours, so we considered ourselves lucky!
Off to my next adventure. . . . . Sr. B.

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