Saturday, November 1, 2008

Art Adventure, Part 4 -- The End

In Giverny, there is an American art museum as well. Apparently there were many American artists who came there to study, so their work is on display, too. But, as a part of the American museum, there is a restaurant. We realized it was lunch time, and we both wanted something good to eat. We decided that the American restaurant would probably have French Fries – not because we were in France, but because French Fries are an American thing. So, we went to read the menu. It is normal for all restaurants to post their menu outside so you can see in advance what kinds of food they serve and how much it costs. We were very happy to see that the menu was in both French and English. However, we laughed and laughed at the menu item posted below. Nutty pig salad – read the ingredients! Pig cheeks? When we got back to the Mother House, we said something to another sister who told us that, oh yes, pig cheeks are considered a delicacy, and she asked if it came with a pig’s ear, too. I told her we didn’t order the salad – we just laughed about it! We had a nice hot ham and cheese style sandwich instead.

Sr. Sharon and I considered taking the bus back to Vernon so we could catch the train. This is a photo of the bus stop! Can you see the little blue and white sign indicating a bus will stop? There is no place to sit while you wait! I love the beams, though. We decided to walk back because we had plenty of time.

OK, to close out the Art Adventure, here are a couple more beautiful flowers from the garden around the American museum. I love the bright red of the one that looks like a porcupine – the flower is very soft to the touch, though. And, notice the gigantic bee!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little Art Adventure! Next subject will be the Mission Carnival we had here.

1 comment:

Somnolent Soprano said...

Bonjour, Sr. B! Ca va? Je suis Lauren Weber, ignorez le nom d'écran! Ma maman m'a dit que vous étiez à Paris et envoyé me votre blog. Je parle français mal, mais je veux parle avec vous en francais! C'est amusement pour moi. Pardonnez a mon bavardage. Vous aimez la France? écrivez-moi si vous plait! J'espère que vous faites bien,

Avec toute mon affection,
