Monday, October 27, 2008

Art Adventure, Part 3

I mentioned in Part 1 of the Art Adventure that Giverny was the home of Claude Monet. He was a famous painter. The style of his painting was called “impressionism” because he didn’t draw or paint with perfect, exact lines. He dabbed the paint on to give you the idea of what you were seeing. When you look at his paintings, you have to stand back to see the whole thing. He had a big house with a beautiful garden and a pond. If you go to the St. Louis Art Museum, you will see one of his most famous paintings called “Water Lilies.” It is enormous – it would take up one whole wall of a classroom. He painted the picture of the water lilies that grew in his pond. Below are two photos of the way the pond looks today (or at least how it looked on the day we went). I loved the way the water reflects the trees and grass like a mirror. I hope I will be able to go back to Giverny in the spring or summer to see this pond again when the water lilies are blooming.

Monet’s garden had some exquisite flowers in it. I love the way this one seems to flow with the sunlight behind it. I love the vivid colors of the second one. We did take a tour of Monet’s house, but we were not allowed to take any photos, so flower photos will have to do.

More flowers and a funny incident in Part 4

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