Thursday, April 30, 2009

La Tour Eiffel - The Eiffel Tower

It has been a LONG time since I have posted anything, but I can’t even begin to tell you how much work there is to do every day! Whew! However, I wanted to share these pictures of the Eiffel Tower. From July through December of 2008, France was the country in charge of the European Union. The job is shared among all the leaders of the European Union for six months at a time. During the time when France was in charge, the Eiffel Tower was lit up during the night to look like the flag of the European Union – a field of blue with 12 stars in a circle. I tried several times – and even braved a wreck with the bicycle – to get photos. Finally, on December 30, the day before it all ended, Sr. Mary Jo and I went to take pictures. The first picture shows the Eiffel Tower lit up like the flag. The second picture shows a close-up of the stars. It is a little blurry because I had to take it without a flash and it was dark out! The third picture shows what the Eiffel Tower looks like now at night. It is very pretty to see.

The Eiffel Tower is about a mile from the Mother House. There is a beacon light on the top. When I am in my bedroom, I can see the light going around and around. But, there are several other sections of the building that block me from seeing the whole thing. Nevertheless, when I take a walk in one of our gardens, I can see it fairly well.

Enjoy the photos -- more stuff later!

Sr. B.

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