Monday, January 12, 2009

Christmas -- Baby Jesus

Christmas at the Mother House was an interesting sight. There seemed to be another Baby Jesus on every corner! Below are four of them.

The first one was in my group. He was only about 2 inches in size. I thought he was cute with his little rump in the air like a regular little baby!

The second one was in the sacristy -- the room where the priest gets dressed. I thought he was cute with the little curl in the middle of his forehead.

The third one almost looks like a girl! Those rosy cheeks and curly hair are pretty though. He was in the area called "the economat" or the accounting department.

The last one was in our dining room. He was a nice big baby boy - although he had some big hair going on, too. Behind him is a stained glass window made out of tissue paper and construction paper. Sr. Giulia (remember her from the blog about November?) and a couple of other sisters made it. THAT was a LOT of work! It was very pretty, though in the dining room next to the Christmas tree.

Don't forget to click on the photos to enlarge them.

1 comment:

Gloria O. said...

Very beautiful. Like this very much.