Monday, October 6, 2008

A Wonderful Visitor!

Today, October 6, Gabby Johnson's Grandmother - Mary Ann Schmidt - came to the chapel with her pilgrimage group. It was nice to see a face from home! To the left is a photo of the two of us standing in front of a statue of St. Vincent de Paul in the entryway to the chapel. The pilgrimage group had Mass in the chapel, and after Mass I was lucky enough to be able to take them up into a glassed-in area called the "Tribune" so I could talk out loud to them about the different things in the chapel. Otherwise, it would not be allowed because silence is expected, and given, by visitors. I was really happy to see Mary Ann and her brothers and sisters here! I was counting the days until she came. Now I have to pray for safe travel for the group back to the U.S.A.!

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