Friday, January 2, 2009

All Saints Day, Part 2

Christmas has come and gone, so it is time to finish telling about November! Even though the laptop failed me, Sr. Rosa, the Spanish sister from the Transation Group, asked me to give her the photos I took of our All Saints/All Souls Celebration, so I was able to have some to complete this blog entry and Part 3.

Below are photos of what makes every celebration a hit -- FOOD! The first photo shows the general array of what we ate. In the brown bowl are chestnuts that have been soaking in liquor. They kind of look like little brains, don't they? When we ate them, the chestnuts had a nice sweet flavor, but they were kind of dry tasting in my mouth.

The big plate has "panellets" on it. They are a Spanish cookie made from pine nuts. They were very good and I enjoyed eating them. They represent piles of bones! I thought that was interesting. There is a close-up picture of the panellets.

There were also some nice sweet rolls that were delicious. The fourth thing was sweet potatoes. I don't know if they were supposed to represent bones or not, but they kind of looked like them, I thought. The food was GREAT!

The third picture is of Sr. Guilia (Julia) from Italy holding a match to our drink. It had a hard time lighting on fire, but it did a little. Sr. Rosa is watching in the background.

Remember to click on the photos to enlarge them! Enjoy, and then go on to Part 3.

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