Monday, January 12, 2009

Christmas -- The Crèche at Notre Dame, Part 3

I began to watch the scene change. The photos I took focused just on the Nativity. After the fire-like lighting, different parts of the scene began to light up individually. First, Baby Jesus. Then, Mary and Joseph. After that some of the scenery. Finally, the donkey and ox! It was interesting to watch each little thing unfold in the story. At the right in each photo, you can see the beginning of the twinkling of the stars on the clothes of the Wise Men. It was a great thing to have such an experience.
I do not know if it is the same every year or if it changes from year to year. Sr. Mary Jo told me that several churches put up very elaborate Nativity scenes, so I'm guessing it will be different next year. I'll keep you posted!
Next -- Baby Jesus at the Mother House!

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