Friday, January 2, 2009

All Saints Day, Part 3

Chestnuts were a big part of the celebration. As I said in Part 2, they were soaking in liquor. Sr. Giulia lit them on fire -- the liquor burns (do NOT try this at home) -- and it is supposed to represent the Souls in Purgatory. We prayed for the people we know who have died. When the fire went out, we nibbled on the chestnuts. Like I said in Part 2, they had a sweet flavor but were very dry.

Below are photos of the pot with chestnuts on the hot plate. Then Sr. Rosa watching as Sr. Giulia dished up the chestnuts for us to enjoy after they cooked. After that is a picture of the flames -- notice, no one is sitting near them! They are a little hard to see, but believe me, they were there!

Lastly, there is a photo of the clean-up crew -- Sr. Anna from Poland, Sr. Stanisława from Poland, and Sr. Mercedes from Ecuador. There has to be a clean-up crew for every party!
Enjoy the photos -- A little bit of Christmas in the next blog.


Cool Breeze said...

This is my favorite part of the blog so far, "... liquor burns.., it's suppose to represent the souls in Purgatory...."

Une bonne annee, mais oui!!!



Unknown said...

Enfin je vois les photos!!! Elles sont très....belles!!!Merci!!!
Bon courage!!! Bonne Année!!!