Monday, January 12, 2009

Christmas -- The Crèche at Notre Dame, Part 1

Christmas in Paris was a very interesting, indeed. Sr. Mary Jo told me to be sure to see the crèche (Nativity Scene) at Notre Dame because it was truly an experience. So, I went looking. I ddin't find Quasimodo or Esmerelda, but what I found is in this section and two others. Sr. Mary Jo was right. It was an experience! Hopefully, the photos will say it all!

First of all, the crèche itself consisted simply of Mary, Joseph, and the Baby Jesus. There were some Wise Men, too, because I didn't get there until Epiphany. They seemed to be suspended in a sea of stars. Behind them was a screen. If you look at the photos, at first it seems I put in three of the same thing, but look closely at the screen -- the clouds change! I thought that was pretty cool.
You can also see one of the stained glass windows of Notre Dame reflected in the screen, and at the bottom right is a reflection of some candles that people have lit to continue their prayers.

The last picture shows two of the Wise Men in their sea of stars.
Enjoy the photos and then go to part two!

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